Meets 101
Preparation - Fold back blank side of each page of both teams’ pencil copy (or typed) Meet Sheets.
- Staple together coordinating pages.
- Staple all sheets together, with exhibition event sheets and Meet Score Sheet in back.
Clerk Duties Reader (from Home Team) -
- Take Finish Slip and Time Slips from runner.
- Put Time Slips in order according to Finish Slip, not times.
(DQ’s and exhibition swimmers are placed in back regardless of finish.)
- Mark 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place slips.
- Reverse the order of first three, then staple with Finish Slip on top.
Stapled order: 3rd, 2nd, 1st, 4th - 8th (for benefit of announcer).
- Dictate to writers: Lane #, finish place (starting with 1st place), name, & time. For swimmers who are DQed, still record time, and reason for DQ, if given.
- Make sure names of 1st, 2nd, & 3rd are readable for announcer.
- Give slips to announcer.
Writer (one from each team) -
- For top three finishers, write in finish place, time, and points earned:
- 1st place - 5 points
- 2nd place - 3 points
- 3rd place - 1 point
SWEEP RULE: If one team finishes 1st, 2nd, & 3rd, only give points for 1st & 2nd. Point for 3rd place goes to top legal finisher of opposing team. If they have no qualified finisher, 3rd place is not awarded.. THOUGH PLACE POINTS ARE CHANGED,
- All Single-Gender Relays (Events #9, 10, 54, 55) - 7 points to 1st place only
- All Mixed Medleys (Events #51, 52, 53) - 1 point to 1st place only
- Record total points of each event in top box of each event.
- Record running total in bottom box.
- Transfer running total to top of each new page.
- Periodically compare scores with opposing team clerk to verify accuracy.
- At end of meet, referees, coaches, and clerk must sign both copies of Meet Score Sheet.
Clerks may request swimmers, spectators, children, and coaches to clear away from the clerking area if they are distracting or interfering in any way. Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their entire team and guests. Ask the referee for assistance, if necessary.